GeneTrail 3.2
Advanced high-throughput enrichment analysis

Input data
GeneTrail is able to read various input file formats through which the user can provide measurement data that should be analyzed. In general, GeneTrail will try to automatically detect the meta-data of the uploaded data. This means it attempts to detect the used data format, identifier type, and organism the data was derived from. If errors arise during this step, it is important to understand which input types are supported by GeneTrail.
Thus, in the following we discuss the expected input formats and the assumptions bc GeneTrail makes about their contents.
nameof such an entity as it is used in some database such as Ensembl, UniProt, or NCBI Gene.
Identifier lists
The simplest way to provide input data to GeneTrail is to upload a list of identifiers. Identifier lists can contain both: a, typically short, list ofrelevantentities or a, typically long, list of entities sorted by relevance.
Identifier level scores
Similarly to identifier lists, score lists can be provided in a text based format containing one identifier per
line. The difference to identifier lists is that a score, a numerical value measuring the relevance
of the
entity, is provided in an additional column. Both columns are separated by a whitespace, preferably by a tab
GDA 0.05501 SCN3A -0.017374 SCN3B 0.33427200000000046 RPLP2 -0.10048799999999997 GFER 0.08075766666666603 SNORA68 0.2532145 SNORA65 -0.289492 PIP5KL1 0.267125 BTBD1 -0.824291000000001 RPLP0 0.050174750000000046 BTBD2 -0.424771999999999 BTBD3 0.267594 RPLP1 -0.1359804999999995 ATP6 -0.2206155 ...
GeneTrail provides support for directly analyzing matrices containing high-throughput measurements. These can be normalized expression values obtained from microarray or RNA-seq experiments or protein abundances from mass-spectrometry runs. Additionally we offer rudimentary support for analyzing count data obtained via RNA-seq.
Measurements can be uploaded as a plain text, tab-separated matrix. Optionally, the first column of the file contains names for each of the contained samples. Each subsequent row contains the measurement data for one identifier in all samples. Thus each row except the first starts with an identifier followed by N numerical values, where N is the number of samples.
Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 GeneA 0.1 4.3 2.3 GeneB 3.2 -1.2 1.1 GeneC 2.7 9.1 0.3 ...The advantage of uploading matrices of measurements is, that sample-based (sometimes called phenotype-based) permutation schemes can be used to determine p-values.
Microarray data
A major use case of GeneTrail is the analysis of microarray data. For this experimental platform, well established normalization pipelines exist that usually generate normal or log-normal distributed expression values. GeneTrail can directly work with this kind of data and offers a range of statistics that can be used to derive scores from expression matrices.RNA-seq data
RNA-seq data usually comes in the form of count data. This means, that for each transcript and sample the number of reads that were mapped to the transcript is reported. The distribution of this data is fundamentally different to the distribution of microarray data, and hence new methods for the analysis of count data have been developed. GeneTrail offers some basic support for directly analyzing count data. For this purpose it uses the DESeq2 [2], edgeR [3], and RUVSeq [4] R packages that can be used to compute scores from count data.
Note that currently for count data, no sample-based permutations can be performed due to the prohibitive runtime of the score computation process.
Data from other experimental platforms can also be used in GeneTrail. Here, however, it is up to the user to select an appropriate scoring scheme.Categories
While GeneTrail offers a large collection of categories that have been derived from a number of third-party databases (see List of categories), it can be desirable to create custom categories that should be checked for enrichment. Examples would be potential targets of a transcription factor that have been identified by a Chip-seq experiment. For specifying categories GeneTrail uses the Gene Matrix transposed (GMT) format [5]. In the GMT format every line represents a category. The first column corresponds to the name of the category, the second column to an optional description or source url. The following columns contain the members of the category. Each member occupies exactly one column. GeneTrail assumes, that the columns are tab-separated.CategoryA http://test.url/A GeneA GeneB GeneC GeneD CategoryB http://test.url/B GeneA GeneD CategoryC http://test.url/C GeneD GeneE GeneH ...An additional description of the format can be found here.
Reference sets
Besides the list of relevant entities, the ORA method requires a second list of identifiers which represents the universe of identifiers that can be detected by an experiment. The input format is the same as for identifier lists.
BED files
Open-chromatin regions or histone marks, needed for the epigenomics workflow, can be uploaded in BED file format. In this format every line represents a region of interest. Each individual line contains at least three fields.
- Chromosome
- Start position of the region
- End position of the region
chr1 180775 180925 chr1 181395 181545 chr1 273895 274045 chr1 629895 630045 chr1 633855 634005 ...
An additional description of the format can be found here.
Single Cell formats
For our single cell analysis workflow, we need an scRNA-Seq matrix and additional, user-defined meta information for each cell. In the following, both file formats are described.
scRNA-seq data
The matrix containing scRNA-Seq data requires the same format as in Measurements, i.e. a tab-separated text file containing cell identifier in its columns and gene identifier in its rows.
Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 GeneA 0.1 4.3 2.3 GeneB 3.2 -1.2 1.1 GeneC 2.7 9.1 0.3 ...
The content of the matrix can either be counts, UMIs, or normalized expression values.
The metadata file can be used to group cells based on e.g. experimental factors (batch, sample id, ...), or based on a research question (age: Is an effect related to age?, healthy-diseased: Are there differences on single cell level?, ...). Therefore, the content of the meta information is completely chosen by the user. We do not require specific information to be present (e.g., sample id, or the analysis batch).
The metadata file is a tab-separated text file in which each column provides additional meta information for the cells that should be analyzed. The cell identifier have to match with the column names of the scRNA-Seq matrix. Only cells with an entry in both, the metadata file, and the scRNA-Seq matrix, are analyzed in the subsequent workflow. Currently, we only allow at most three columns from the metadata file to be selected for the analysis. There can be more columns in the uploaded metadata file and a user is asked to select relevant columns on our upload page.
MetaInfo1 MetaInfo2 MetaInfo3 Cell1 age-3 batch_1 cluster_6 Cell2 age-5 batch_1 cluster_2 Cell3 age-3 batch_2 cluster_6 ...
Epigenetic formats
For our epigenetic analysis workflow, we need the genomic positions affected by a certain epigenetic mark. Therefore, we allow BED files as input for histone modifications, open chromatin regions, and DNA methylation calls. Furthermore, expression data can be used to complement the epigenetic information. To this end, please upload an expression matrix containing bulk RNA-Seq or microarray data.
It is possible to upload files for more than two groups and, for our analysis, it is best to upload various epigenetic marks along with expression data. This results in a lot of file uploads, which can be demanding. For convenience, we offer the upload of a ZIP file containing some or all of the files needed for the analysis. It is also possible to upload several ZIP files, and to mix ZIP file uploads with normal file uploads.
GeneTrail does not recognize my score list exported from Excel
MS Excel is a popular tool for managing biological datasets. However, there are some pitfalls especially when it
comes to interoperability with other tools. It can happen that Excel reformats gene identifiers as dates. For
example the gene Apr1
is routinely recognized as April the first. Please make sure, that no such
conversions have taken place before exporting your data from Excel.
For more information see also Zeeberg et al. [6].
- Global functional profiling of gene expression Genomics Elsevier (View online)
- Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2 Genome Biol (View online)
- edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression data Bioinformatics Oxford Univ Press (View online)
- Normalization of RNA-seq data using factor analysis of control genes or samples Nature biotechnology Nature Publishing Group (View online)
- GSEA-P: a desktop application for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Bioinformatics Oxford Univ Press (View online)
- Mistaken identifiers: gene name errors can be introduced inadvertently when using Excel in bioinformatics BMC bioinformatics BioMed Central Ltd (View online)